Thursday, October 21, 2010

Responding to the UCD's pacifist march...

Marvin Ponce, a Honduran congress "diputado" and member of the "resistencia" is shown here responding in highly civilized manner to the pacifist march organized by the Union Civica Democratica (UCD) defending the constitution and democracy.

OEA's Secretary General, Mr. Miguel Insulza condemned the aggression suffered by Mr. Ponce, while the 30 US Democrat Congresspersons that submitted a letter to Ms. Hillary Clinton condemning Honduras, requested that protection be given to Mr. Ponce to protect his knuckles and person from further injury.

In addition, Manuel Zelaya Rosales ordered that a statue of himself, Marvin Ponce, Juan Barahona and Rassel Tome, to be erected in the middle of the Central Plaza of Tegucigalpa in place of the Francisco Morazan as the new godfathers of the Socialism of the 22th Century in Honduras. His letter, commanded that this statue has to include himself riding "Chocolate" his horse, and the other godfathers riding on his three Harley Dadivsons.

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