Mr. Federico Alvarez, a long time resident and now "alleged" Honduran citizen by naturalization, yet a logical and detailed critic of the current and previous administrations, has been told that the process for him to become a Honduran citizen was "flawed" and thus his official citizenship was canceled by the Honduran government. The news were communicated in a press conference by the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Africo Madrid, who indicated that due to many deficiencies and missing documents in Mr. Alvarez naturalization application, his citizen status had to revert to that of a "legal resident".
The consequence of this act is that Mr. Alvarez cannot intervene in "political activities" within Honduras.In other circumstances, some have interpreted this article of the Honduras Constitution that prohibits foreigners from intervening in political activities as a curtail on the freedom of expression. That is, all foreigners (legal residents or visitors) cannot voice their opinion on political issues at all There is quite a bit of scope of opinion on the interpretation of this article of our constitution, but I simply cannot agree with the interpretation curtailing freedom of expression.
I have certainly protested/condemned and asked in past to disregard foreigners interference in our political affairs and yes the expressions of opinion about our affairs. In the end, the issue here is defining properly what an intervention is, and how does this contrast with the freedom of expression which is almost an absolute right. Certainly we are also free to disregard or condemn ourselves anybody else opinion with equal validity. Mr. Alvarez case is different anyhow.
I publicly raise my voice to protest this clear act of intimidation against the freedom of expression of Mr. Alvarez and a not-so-obscure move to silence all the critics of the current government, including I presume yours truly, and all those who may raise their voice for the proper application of justice, democracy, law and order, respect for the constitution and the Republic, equal protection under the law and the truth. We cannot allow these overt abuses of power to go on.
These acts are clearly designed to silence critics and to proceed with the policies of an autocratic/oppressive government.We condemn all the manipulations and dirty tricks used to revoke Mr. Alvarez nationality. If there was anything wrong with his application, given the long time legal residency status and the integrity of his character, Mr. Alvarez should have been give the opportunity to normalize his situation and then formalize what we believe is compliance with the spirit of the law that grants citizenship to those who want and deserve it for their lifetime.
I cite Mr. Juan Ramon Martinez in La Tribuna and join him in protesting this act, which we hope is that of a lone, misguided and frankly stupid act of a public servant, not an official Honduran government policy. Read Mr. Martinez column here
La misión de este blog es resaltar las bondades y limitaciones de mi patria Honduras y como le continuamos diciendo NO a la dictadura, el totalitarismo, la obediencia sin cuestionamientos, la falta de pluralismo y corrupción de muchos de sus políticos y gobernantes actuales y pasados. Mas importante aun, quiero resaltar que busco debatir y exponer todas aquellas fuerzas que quieren acabar con la Democracia y la República de Honduras como tal....
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Palabras sabias de Abraham Lincoln o el Reverendo Boetcker...
“No se puede ayudar a los pobres destruyendo a los ricos.
No se puede fortalecer a los débiles debilitando a los fuertes.
No se puede traer prosperidad desincentivando el ahorro.
No se puede levantar al asalariado hundiendo al que paga los salarios.
No se puede empujar la hermandad del hombre incitando el odio de clases.
No se puede construir carácter y valor quitándole iniciativa e independencia al hombre.
No se puede ayudar a los hombres permanentemente haciendo por ellos lo que ellos mismos no pudieron hacer para sí mismos”.
Palabras atribuidas a Abraham Lincoln, pero de acuerdo con el sitio Truth or Fiction "estas palabras son a menudo atribuidas a Abraham Lincoln, pero de acuerdo con el libro "They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquostes & Misguided Attributions" no son de Lincoln. Estas palabras textuales fueron publicadas en 1942 por William J. H. Boetcker, un Pastor Presbiteriano. El distribuo un pamfleto titulado "Lincoln On Limitations" que incluye una cita de Lincoln, pero añade 10 asercuibes escritas por Boetcker mismo..."
No se puede fortalecer a los débiles debilitando a los fuertes.
No se puede traer prosperidad desincentivando el ahorro.
No se puede levantar al asalariado hundiendo al que paga los salarios.
No se puede empujar la hermandad del hombre incitando el odio de clases.
No se puede construir carácter y valor quitándole iniciativa e independencia al hombre.
No se puede ayudar a los hombres permanentemente haciendo por ellos lo que ellos mismos no pudieron hacer para sí mismos”.
Palabras atribuidas a Abraham Lincoln, pero de acuerdo con el sitio Truth or Fiction "estas palabras son a menudo atribuidas a Abraham Lincoln, pero de acuerdo con el libro "They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquostes & Misguided Attributions" no son de Lincoln. Estas palabras textuales fueron publicadas en 1942 por William J. H. Boetcker, un Pastor Presbiteriano. El distribuo un pamfleto titulado "Lincoln On Limitations" que incluye una cita de Lincoln, pero añade 10 asercuibes escritas por Boetcker mismo..."
Friday, November 19, 2010
El regreso del mijo prodigo...o el otoño del patriarca que queria ser Rey
En el Diario La Prensa, el Presidente Porfirio Lobo Sosa indico que si por el fuera le daría el indulto a Manuel Zelaya y a los militares para que resolvamos todos los puntos de confrontación después del 28 de Junio ( En sus declaraciones, el Presidente Lobo
reitero la necesidad de la reconciliación nacional.
En declaraciones a el diario el Heraldo (, el viejo dirigente liberal y antiguo Presidente del Congreso Nacional, el profesor Rafael Pineda Ponce le sugirió al Presidente Lobo que parara el teatro de Manuel Zelaya Rosales de una vez, ya que hay cosas mas importantes en las cuales debe centrar su atención. Así mismo le recordó al Presidente Lobo que Zelaya debe enfrente la justicia y que la figura del indulto solo se aplica a aquellos que han enfrentado la justicia y que han sido condenados en dichos juicios. Cualquier privilegio, aunque sea la figura de un ex-presidente, no debe existir en un país donde el principio de igualdad debiera ser prioritario. Finalmente, Pineda Ponce le recomendó al Presidente Lobo que no se le ocurra ir a República Dominicana a pedirle a Zelaya que regrese bajo el establecimiento de los mecanismos para su regreso bajo un olvido y perdón incondicional.
Sin embargo en Diario Tiempo (que raro no?) el abogado Constitucionalista Efrain Moncada Silva es de la opinión ( que Zelaya no debe regresar porque puede caer en una trampa de sus enemigos. La única opción para el retorno de Zelaya es que la Corte Suprema de Justicia le de un sobreseimiento definitivo a TODOS los cargos en contra de Zelaya. No termino de entender como un profesional del derecho puede siquiera sugerir que no se le enjuicie a una persona acusada de mas de 40 delitos. Que alguien me lo explique...
Sr. Presidente Lobo, al final del día, lo que estamos hablando aquí y en diferentes foros es de la aplicación equitativa y sin privilegios de la ley de Honduras. No podemos hacer excepciones, menos aun para satisface ganancias a corto plazo y/o complacer a bloques de países que no tienen nuestro mejor interés en mente. Si nosotros aplicamos la ley y le demostramos al mundo que estamos protegiendo nuestros intereses al entronizar el respeto a nuestra Constitución y sus leyes, en la medida que a largo plazo aseguraremos una Hondura libre, soberana e independiente. Cualquier esfuerzo para asegurar que personas escapen el imperio de la ley, sea un ex-Presidente o un descalzo, solamente pueden dañar nuestro sentido de país y al final del día el alma nacional.
reitero la necesidad de la reconciliación nacional.
En declaraciones a el diario el Heraldo (, el viejo dirigente liberal y antiguo Presidente del Congreso Nacional, el profesor Rafael Pineda Ponce le sugirió al Presidente Lobo que parara el teatro de Manuel Zelaya Rosales de una vez, ya que hay cosas mas importantes en las cuales debe centrar su atención. Así mismo le recordó al Presidente Lobo que Zelaya debe enfrente la justicia y que la figura del indulto solo se aplica a aquellos que han enfrentado la justicia y que han sido condenados en dichos juicios. Cualquier privilegio, aunque sea la figura de un ex-presidente, no debe existir en un país donde el principio de igualdad debiera ser prioritario. Finalmente, Pineda Ponce le recomendó al Presidente Lobo que no se le ocurra ir a República Dominicana a pedirle a Zelaya que regrese bajo el establecimiento de los mecanismos para su regreso bajo un olvido y perdón incondicional.
Sin embargo en Diario Tiempo (que raro no?) el abogado Constitucionalista Efrain Moncada Silva es de la opinión ( que Zelaya no debe regresar porque puede caer en una trampa de sus enemigos. La única opción para el retorno de Zelaya es que la Corte Suprema de Justicia le de un sobreseimiento definitivo a TODOS los cargos en contra de Zelaya. No termino de entender como un profesional del derecho puede siquiera sugerir que no se le enjuicie a una persona acusada de mas de 40 delitos. Que alguien me lo explique...
Sr. Presidente Lobo, al final del día, lo que estamos hablando aquí y en diferentes foros es de la aplicación equitativa y sin privilegios de la ley de Honduras. No podemos hacer excepciones, menos aun para satisface ganancias a corto plazo y/o complacer a bloques de países que no tienen nuestro mejor interés en mente. Si nosotros aplicamos la ley y le demostramos al mundo que estamos protegiendo nuestros intereses al entronizar el respeto a nuestra Constitución y sus leyes, en la medida que a largo plazo aseguraremos una Hondura libre, soberana e independiente. Cualquier esfuerzo para asegurar que personas escapen el imperio de la ley, sea un ex-Presidente o un descalzo, solamente pueden dañar nuestro sentido de país y al final del día el alma nacional.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Honduras Congress to enact legislation on price controls
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US gas shortages in 70s |
This is more of a demagogic measure that does not address the real problems of low generalized productivity, protectionism, mis-guided public sector investments, unreal regulations (such as the mandatory salaries paid to teachers, nurses and doctors) and the fact that we in Honduras are still a mixed economy.
In Honduras we have quasi-feudal and mercantilism markets co-existing with some somewhat competitive markets...made worse in some instances by government attempts at "liberalizing" or "privatizing" markets. So-called unions leaders and some "experts" in economics, blame the "neo-liberal" reforms as the culprit for our current economic troubles. This story is much more nuanced than that...only people with an agenda can continue pushing such simplistic story.
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©2005-2010 Douglas Smith |
So, Why is Congress doing the price control thing? because it looks good, but fully knowing it does not work. That my dear reader, is at the essence of our problems, more demagogic government actions that take us back years and which do not address the real issues. That is the issue....
Friday, November 12, 2010
Honduras: A Failed State?
In the next couple of weeks I will explore this question in quite detail. There is no clear or unambiguous definition of the term. The Fund for Peace ( proposed the following criteria in defining a "Failed State"
1) Loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein,
2) Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions,
3) An inability to provide reasonable public services, and
4) An inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community.
I will discuss each one of these criteria, while at the same time propose some additions that may help explain why Honduras may be in danger of becoming a failed state. By the way, the qualification that the Fund for Peace and the journal Foreign Policy have for Honduras is of a "warning" in their "Failed State Index 2010"
The following are just two of the writers that have addressed this question in our newspapers.
Benjamin Santos: "?Honduras: Estado Fallido?" and Octavio Pineda Espinoza: "Convirtiendo a Honduras en un Estado fallido a propósito"
1) Loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein,
2) Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions,
3) An inability to provide reasonable public services, and
4) An inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community.
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Source: Fund for Peace and Foreign Policy 2010 |
The following are just two of the writers that have addressed this question in our newspapers.
Benjamin Santos: "?Honduras: Estado Fallido?" and Octavio Pineda Espinoza: "Convirtiendo a Honduras en un Estado fallido a propósito"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Si me hace sentir meramente catracho....
Me llego en el correo electrónico...juzgue usted mi querido lector si es cierto o no que estamos hechos...
AVION HONDUREÑO: Están todos los pasajeros en la sala de embarque en TONCONTIN esperando la salida del vuelo cuando de repente llega el co piloto impecablemente uniformado con anteojos oscuros y un bastón blanco tanteando el camino..La empleada de la compañía aclara que, si bien es ciego, es el mejor copiloto que tiene la Empresa. Al poco rato llega el piloto, con el uniforme impecable, anteojos oscuros y un bastón blanco asistido por dos azafatas.
La encargada de la sala aclara que, también, el piloto es ciego, pero que es el mejor piloto que tiene la Compañía y que, junto con el copiloto, hacen la dupla más experimentada. Con todos a bordo, el avión comienza a carretear, tomando cada vez más velocidad y con los pasajeros aterrorizados.El avión sigue tomando velocidad pero no despega... continúa la carrera y sigue en tierra. Cada vez el final de pista está más cerca y en una explosión de histeria general todos los catrachos a bordo comienzan a gritar como poseídos! En ese momento el avión, milagrosamente, toma altura ...entonces el piloto le dice al copiloto... - El día que los pasajeros no griten, ¡¡¡ Nos hacemos mierda !!!
Moraleja: está hoy el país, gobernado por ciegos que no ven, o no quieren ver, la realidad. A la espera de que el pueblo "GRITE" para levantar vuelo. Yo creo que como no gritamos ya nos hicimos mierda!! FIN
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Toncontin Airport, Tegucigalpa |
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Airplane Landing in Toncontin Airport, Tegucigalpa |
Moraleja: está hoy el país, gobernado por ciegos que no ven, o no quieren ver, la realidad. A la espera de que el pueblo "GRITE" para levantar vuelo. Yo creo que como no gritamos ya nos hicimos mierda!! FIN
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
More conspirations.. a column by Juan Ramon Martinez...
Conspirators wheeling and dealing leading to a political outcome where Arturo Corrales Alvarez becomes the candidate of the Partido Nacional and next president of Honduras...followed by the subsequent and natural political decay of the Partido Nacional by being two terms in power and thus culminating in a victory of the Partido Liberal and Carlos Flores Facusse's daughter Lizzy Flores Flakes as the next candidate and President of the country the column my devoted readers and judge for yourself. Crazier things have happened and would not be surprised anymore...better than a novel by Garcia Marquez... the column my devoted readers and judge for yourself. Crazier things have happened and would not be surprised anymore...better than a novel by Garcia Marquez...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Si fuesemos un pais serio..por Don Gaspar Vallecillo
Reproducido de la columna en el Heraldo de puedo mas que estar de acuerdo con Don Gaspar al cual respeto mucho por no tener pelos en la lengua para decirle al Cesar lo que es del Cesar...en un país serio ya tiempos hubieran rodado cabezas a diestra y siniestra por los escándalos suscitados en el país...desde el robo de la avioneta hasta los grupos de profesores que violentan los derechos humanos de la niñez y juventud de Honduras cuando no dan clase...y encima de eso se dan el lujo de "chulear" al gobierno...?Sera que ya le perdieron el respeto al gobierno? o ?Sera que el gobierno no se ha dado a respetar?
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Intolerance of the Resistencia: Now its Monsignore Rodriguez
A protest conducted by the "Frente Nacional de la Resistencia" outside a religious service in Comaguela lead by Monsignore Oscar Andres Rodriguez degenerated into repeated aggressions to the police assigned to protect the Monsignore.
The people of the Resistencia present outside the mass lead by Monsignore Rodriguez threw stones at the car that took Monsignore Rodriguez when Mass was completed. Of course, the well organized event started quite early and was covered by Globo TV and other "Resistencia" communication channels as one more example of the repression and the "rivers of blood" that are flowing in Honduras.
If you want to see what happened the newpaper La Tribuna has a video documenting the events that transpired there A few days before, a bullet pierced on the windows of Monsignore Rodriguez office in Tegucigalpa.
We cannot but condemn these aggressions for a person who has been a major influence in supporting and negotiating debt forgiveness for Honduras, leading the anti-corruption committee, being the worldwide president of Caritas -the catholic debt relief organization, and being an emissary of peace who tried to truly negotiate amongst many parties during the events of June 28 and beyond to avoid a bloodbath. Monsignore Rodriguez position has always been in support of Honduras
If this is what the Resistencia has to offer as an intelligent action of protest then more than ever we need to stand firm in defense of the Republic.
The people of the Resistencia present outside the mass lead by Monsignore Rodriguez threw stones at the car that took Monsignore Rodriguez when Mass was completed. Of course, the well organized event started quite early and was covered by Globo TV and other "Resistencia" communication channels as one more example of the repression and the "rivers of blood" that are flowing in Honduras.
If you want to see what happened the newpaper La Tribuna has a video documenting the events that transpired there A few days before, a bullet pierced on the windows of Monsignore Rodriguez office in Tegucigalpa.
We cannot but condemn these aggressions for a person who has been a major influence in supporting and negotiating debt forgiveness for Honduras, leading the anti-corruption committee, being the worldwide president of Caritas -the catholic debt relief organization, and being an emissary of peace who tried to truly negotiate amongst many parties during the events of June 28 and beyond to avoid a bloodbath. Monsignore Rodriguez position has always been in support of Honduras
If this is what the Resistencia has to offer as an intelligent action of protest then more than ever we need to stand firm in defense of the Republic.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
State University in San Pedro Sula overtaken by a student political front
An article by Diario Tiempo relates how the State University in San Pedro Sula (UNAH-VS) closed down because one of the student political parties (or "student fronts") called Frente Revolucionario Universitario (FRU) decided to close it down. Two points that FRU students mention as the "justification" for closing down the state university in San Pedro Sula: 1) the minimum salary increase given by government and 2) the part-time law government is in the process of approving at this point in time. FRU students claim that their acts are in support of the working class in Honduras. (See article in Diario Tiempo here ). So, FRU students decided to close down the university in a protest that has nothing to do with education or the university. Furthermore, even if it had something remotely to do with the university, it does not matter, as this is an illegal act by a student organization.
I thus demand from the University Rector, Ms. Julieta Castellanos, that she investigate who was responsible to call for this action and who were physically implementing such decisions. The intellectual authors should be put in probation and/or expelled, those physical authors should be put in probation.
The message should come from the rector that actions of this type will not be tolerated in the future. Honduran taxpayers are supporting the state university for students to go and learn, not to lose time and/or graduate mediocre professionals that are unable to even sustain an argument without recourse to violence or intimidation.
Actions as those shown in these two photos DURING Zelaya's stay in the Brazilian embassy should not be tolerated at all.
I thus demand from the University Rector, Ms. Julieta Castellanos, that she investigate who was responsible to call for this action and who were physically implementing such decisions. The intellectual authors should be put in probation and/or expelled, those physical authors should be put in probation.
The message should come from the rector that actions of this type will not be tolerated in the future. Honduran taxpayers are supporting the state university for students to go and learn, not to lose time and/or graduate mediocre professionals that are unable to even sustain an argument without recourse to violence or intimidation.
Actions as those shown in these two photos DURING Zelaya's stay in the Brazilian embassy should not be tolerated at all.
And the private sector response to the irresponsible column by Mr. Marvin Ponce
Interesting response by the Executive Director of COHEP, Mr. Alejandro Alvarez in La Tribuna...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
More than an increase, a war declaration on the working class...the world according to Marvin Ponce
...and the saga of one the prudent and visionary fathers" of the country continues. The Vice-President of the Honduras Congress, Mr. Marvin Ponce in his article published today argues that the recently passed increase to the minimum salary is in fact a declaration of war againts the Honduran workers.
Class warfare, oppression by the capitalist burgoise, exploitation of the working class....where have I heard this before? Well, Mr. Ponce in one more irresponsible action is seeking to further divide the country, in essence going beyond the rift caused by Zelaya's actions... rather than thinking how to improve productivity, increase wealth creation by all, to find alternatives for the working class to improve, the only thing that Mr. Ponce can recommend is more of the same...with leaders like these we might as well go back to the 19th century...we are not going forward...
Well, if this character can only recommend property destruction, painting walls, torching vehicles, throwing rocks and other missiles to the opposition, and hitting anybody who disagrees with you, then we are truly going backwards here....
Class warfare, oppression by the capitalist burgoise, exploitation of the working class....where have I heard this before? Well, Mr. Ponce in one more irresponsible action is seeking to further divide the country, in essence going beyond the rift caused by Zelaya's actions... rather than thinking how to improve productivity, increase wealth creation by all, to find alternatives for the working class to improve, the only thing that Mr. Ponce can recommend is more of the same...with leaders like these we might as well go back to the 19th century...we are not going forward...
Well, if this character can only recommend property destruction, painting walls, torching vehicles, throwing rocks and other missiles to the opposition, and hitting anybody who disagrees with you, then we are truly going backwards here....
A guest post by Louis Mejia: On the atributes of good governance
Dear Reader:
The following post is a quite interesting perspective on the historical context of development and its relationship to governance and the ability of small countries to truly move from Third World to First (see Lee Kuan Yew's autobiography at From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000). This was a response to one of my own posts, published here with permission by the author As many of my readers know, I have been fascinated by the Singapore story, especially after visiting the country earlier this year. Many lessons to learn so that we can build our own model of a country. We can do it. I am confident we can.
Jose Falck Zepeda
A guest post by Louis Mejia
I have been studying this historical vein since I was in college and how nations as small as Switzerland or Singapore can rise to such levels of economic wealth for itself and its citizens and how they could be templates for other nations t...o follow. They have many components. A ruling elite that is not afraid of educating the proletarian class; in fact they encourage it. The building of an infrastructure in anticipation a new generation of a better educated class. Exposure of its citizens to the world at large, sending its best and brightest to the best universities around the world. Have a complete technical base of workers to court foreign investors to set up high tech industries. minimize political unrest. Becoming a regional banking hub. A homogeneous population that can work together towards a common goal that may take a generation or two to complete (yet see fruits of their labors along the way).
I believe legislators in Honduras want to rule with justice, but many factors hinder them. Cultural apathy, cynicism and distrust; Lack of funds to build mentioned infrastructure; Social division between the classes; International distrust of legitimacy of programs; Organized crime and drug trafficking; Large pool of unemployed/underemployed unskilled/underskilled labor; Lack of accountability (which leads to all the lying that Alvarez is writing about), A ruling class that hoards wealth rather than reinvesting it in more businesses and social programs.
Corruption is tough and difficult to eradicate. It speaks more about greed and morals, fear and justice, religious principles and connections to a society (or a lack thereof). In theory, if a society generates enough wealth then the corruption is hardly noticeable. If a legislator is already wealthy enough AND knows that he has to be accountable for further wealth and benefits generated through questionable means, he is a lot less likely to give in to corruption. But it is the responsibility of an educated people to be interested enough to keep its governors accountable and for more objective media sources that will not have a conflict of interests when reporting the doings of politicians.
The following post is a quite interesting perspective on the historical context of development and its relationship to governance and the ability of small countries to truly move from Third World to First (see Lee Kuan Yew's autobiography at From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000). This was a response to one of my own posts, published here with permission by the author As many of my readers know, I have been fascinated by the Singapore story, especially after visiting the country earlier this year. Many lessons to learn so that we can build our own model of a country. We can do it. I am confident we can.
Jose Falck Zepeda
A guest post by Louis Mejia
I believe legislators in Honduras want to rule with justice, but many factors hinder them. Cultural apathy, cynicism and distrust; Lack of funds to build mentioned infrastructure; Social division between the classes; International distrust of legitimacy of programs; Organized crime and drug trafficking; Large pool of unemployed/underemployed unskilled/underskilled labor; Lack of accountability (which leads to all the lying that Alvarez is writing about), A ruling class that hoards wealth rather than reinvesting it in more businesses and social programs.
Corruption is tough and difficult to eradicate. It speaks more about greed and morals, fear and justice, religious principles and connections to a society (or a lack thereof). In theory, if a society generates enough wealth then the corruption is hardly noticeable. If a legislator is already wealthy enough AND knows that he has to be accountable for further wealth and benefits generated through questionable means, he is a lot less likely to give in to corruption. But it is the responsibility of an educated people to be interested enough to keep its governors accountable and for more objective media sources that will not have a conflict of interests when reporting the doings of politicians.
Monday, November 1, 2010
The State cannot create wealth
Mr. Federico Alvarez in a quite interesting article attributes Honduras's poverty to two main causes: we are not creating enough wealth and corruption. Interestingly, Mr. Alvarez argues that corrupt governments lie to their people to cover up their transgressions. Furthermore, the worst transgressors are those that start believing their own lies and thus try to make it a "state philosophy." Hmmm...who(m) could that be??? Article is here
An important annotation in Mr. Alvarez article is that the state cannot create wealth for its citizens. Many countries have understood this simple yet powerful maxim including Singapore, Russia, Vietnam and China. By the way, the later two countries have been used by some leaders in Honduras's left to show the alleged benefits of "socialism" as a state doctrine. Big mistake!! that line of argumentation shows the inconsistencies or even the lack of knowledge about marxism itself (one cannot blame for being bad students of their own philosophy, worse implementers, can't we?) or history itself.
In fact, both China and Vietnam tried to completely build an economy based on the state and failed miserably. Many millions of Chinese and Vietnamese paid blood, sweat, tears and their own lives for this experiment. It was only, when China and Vietnam allowed competition and limited capitalism in their economies, that these economies thrived. Of course they are exploiting the largeness of their economies and the fact that they can still produce with cheap labors and very little union protests...certainly strikes and public demonstrations have been dealt severely in the past.
Maybe some of the "Resistencia" people should go to China and try and organize a public demonstration in Tiananmen squares and see the reaction...
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Adam Smith and Karl Marx..Who do you follow and why? |
An important annotation in Mr. Alvarez article is that the state cannot create wealth for its citizens. Many countries have understood this simple yet powerful maxim including Singapore, Russia, Vietnam and China. By the way, the later two countries have been used by some leaders in Honduras's left to show the alleged benefits of "socialism" as a state doctrine. Big mistake!! that line of argumentation shows the inconsistencies or even the lack of knowledge about marxism itself (one cannot blame for being bad students of their own philosophy, worse implementers, can't we?) or history itself.
In fact, both China and Vietnam tried to completely build an economy based on the state and failed miserably. Many millions of Chinese and Vietnamese paid blood, sweat, tears and their own lives for this experiment. It was only, when China and Vietnam allowed competition and limited capitalism in their economies, that these economies thrived. Of course they are exploiting the largeness of their economies and the fact that they can still produce with cheap labors and very little union protests...certainly strikes and public demonstrations have been dealt severely in the past.
Maybe some of the "Resistencia" people should go to China and try and organize a public demonstration in Tiananmen squares and see the reaction...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Of Mice and Moratinos...
The Foreign Affairs Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, was let go in an apparent shakedown of the moribund government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Mr. Moratinos was a specially pernicious influence in condemning the constitutional removal of Manuel Zelaya Rosales in Honduras, yet accomplished multiple treaties and protected Spanish interests in those paragons of freedom and democracy such as Equatorial Guinea, Venezuela and Cuba.
Well, maybe the one who should have resigned, may as well have been, Mr. Zapatero, but that is a matter pertaining to the Spaniards themselves. However, echoing the article of Mr. Danilo Arbilla in an article in La Prensa of today (excuse my poor translation, kind of hard to transfer irony..) "Meanwhile, here in America, it would not be bad to take note of this re-structuring and see if it would not be a good thing to let go of Moratinos clone around here in some international organization defending certain democracies and certain innovative types of democracies without separation of powers and without freedom of the press, right?" If you cannot guess who this is must be an alien... see Mr. Arbilla article here
Well, maybe the one who should have resigned, may as well have been, Mr. Zapatero, but that is a matter pertaining to the Spaniards themselves. However, echoing the article of Mr. Danilo Arbilla in an article in La Prensa of today (excuse my poor translation, kind of hard to transfer irony..) "Meanwhile, here in America, it would not be bad to take note of this re-structuring and see if it would not be a good thing to let go of Moratinos clone around here in some international organization defending certain democracies and certain innovative types of democracies without separation of powers and without freedom of the press, right?" If you cannot guess who this is must be an alien... see Mr. Arbilla article here
Its all about power....
Excellent article by Ulf Erlingsson...
In spite of repeated requests for any argument for the "Constituyente" we have only received...the echo of our requests...not surprising when one does not want to build something but destroy it....
The Republic is at this point at one of its most dangerous periods in its existence...simply because the vultures are still circling and we have not reacted so far...
In spite of repeated requests for any argument for the "Constituyente" we have only received...the echo of our requests...not surprising when one does not want to build something but destroy it....
The Republic is at this point at one of its most dangerous periods in its existence...simply because the vultures are still circling and we have not reacted so far...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Surprise, surprise...we are the most corrupt country in Central America
The 2010 Transparency International Corruption Perception report categorizes Honduras as the most corrupt country in Central America, and the third most corrupt country in Latin America after Venezuela and Haiti. This is unacceptable and is one more point to ponder about things that need to change in our poor country.
Monday, October 25, 2010
and one really interesting article by Ulf Elrichsson which shares a lot of the concepts that I have been trying to write about in my own blog. Self reliance, democracy, freedom, justice, independence, and building a future on our own, not based on the charity of the "rich countries" or the "ALBA people"...
Hope somebody is reading along...
Hope somebody is reading along...
Why do we lose our focus so easily?
When the national priorities should be security, food security, health, education, developing entrepreneurship, strengthening the private sector, focusing the public sector only in those activities of a public good nature, climate vulnerability, and corruption...we are discussing the constitution and the appropriateness of an "asamblea nacional constitutyente". When/Why/How did we lose our sense of priority? If the Asamblea Nacional Constitutyente is not a priority, why did the current government raised all sorts of speculations by calling a dialogue to discuss such issue?
Why not call on a dialogue to address criminality and the fact that we have one of the highest murder rates of the world (68 per 100,000 inhabitant according to the National Human Rights Commission, 10 times the world average rate..). I believe most people in Honduras have been touched by common criminality or know somebody who has. In my own (extended) family there have been instances of home invasion, pickpockets, armed robbery, kidnapping, and even murder. If this is not important, what is?
Why not call on a dialogue to address criminality and the fact that we have one of the highest murder rates of the world (68 per 100,000 inhabitant according to the National Human Rights Commission, 10 times the world average rate..). I believe most people in Honduras have been touched by common criminality or know somebody who has. In my own (extended) family there have been instances of home invasion, pickpockets, armed robbery, kidnapping, and even murder. If this is not important, what is?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Responding to the UCD's pacifist march...
Marvin Ponce, a Honduran congress "diputado" and member of the "resistencia" is shown here responding in highly civilized manner to the pacifist march organized by the Union Civica Democratica (UCD) defending the constitution and democracy.
OEA's Secretary General, Mr. Miguel Insulza condemned the aggression suffered by Mr. Ponce, while the 30 US Democrat Congresspersons that submitted a letter to Ms. Hillary Clinton condemning Honduras, requested that protection be given to Mr. Ponce to protect his knuckles and person from further injury.
In addition, Manuel Zelaya Rosales ordered that a statue of himself, Marvin Ponce, Juan Barahona and Rassel Tome, to be erected in the middle of the Central Plaza of Tegucigalpa in place of the Francisco Morazan as the new godfathers of the Socialism of the 22th Century in Honduras. His letter, commanded that this statue has to include himself riding "Chocolate" his horse, and the other godfathers riding on his three Harley Dadivsons.
OEA's Secretary General, Mr. Miguel Insulza condemned the aggression suffered by Mr. Ponce, while the 30 US Democrat Congresspersons that submitted a letter to Ms. Hillary Clinton condemning Honduras, requested that protection be given to Mr. Ponce to protect his knuckles and person from further injury.
In addition, Manuel Zelaya Rosales ordered that a statue of himself, Marvin Ponce, Juan Barahona and Rassel Tome, to be erected in the middle of the Central Plaza of Tegucigalpa in place of the Francisco Morazan as the new godfathers of the Socialism of the 22th Century in Honduras. His letter, commanded that this statue has to include himself riding "Chocolate" his horse, and the other godfathers riding on his three Harley Dadivsons.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mel en la mina...hay cupo para 32 mas...
No cierren la mina...hay cupo para 32 mas aparte de Mel Zelaya.....comenzemos entonces con la lista...
Flores Lanza, Patricia Rodas, Aristides Mejia, Milton Jimenez, Rebeca Santos, Rafael Alegria, Cesar Ham, Juan Barahona, Marvin Ponce, Rassel Tome,Eduardo Enrique Reina (El comandante libreta), Edwin Araque, Silvia Ayala, Jorge Arturo Reina, Ricci Moncada, Rodil Rivera Rodil, Mayra Mejia, Eulogio Chavez, Beatriz Valle, Rodolfo Pastor, Carlos Orbin Montoya, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega, Rafael Correa, Ignacio Lula da Silva, Insulza, Cristina Kirtshchner...
Flores Lanza, Patricia Rodas, Aristides Mejia, Milton Jimenez, Rebeca Santos, Rafael Alegria, Cesar Ham, Juan Barahona, Marvin Ponce, Rassel Tome,Eduardo Enrique Reina (El comandante libreta), Edwin Araque, Silvia Ayala, Jorge Arturo Reina, Ricci Moncada, Rodil Rivera Rodil, Mayra Mejia, Eulogio Chavez, Beatriz Valle, Rodolfo Pastor, Carlos Orbin Montoya, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega, Rafael Correa, Ignacio Lula da Silva, Insulza, Cristina Kirtshchner...
Honduras, Nicaragua and hypocrisy...A Washington Post Editorial
Uhmmm...maybe somebody is waking up and smelling the old coffee....
Who are our "friends"?...U.S. Democrats condemning Honduras
Obviously in international politics there are no true friends as we know them in our personal life. Certainly there are occasional friends, friends of convenience, long term alliances, enemies who do not last forever, and many more variations of the same story. International politics are not and should not be emotional at all, in fact being cynical about it, is one of the many wise attributes a country must have in order to succeed. Everything starts from a transparent, well thought and unwavering foreign affairs policy based on an unmovable set of national principles. We stand for what we stand. These of course include freedom, liberty, mutual respect, democracy and national sovereignty.
When .we read about the recent letter drafted by Congressperson Farr (see picture), sent by 30 Democrat Congresspersons to Ms. Hillary Clinton, requesting that all U.S. help be suspended to Honduras due to multiple human rights violations, one has to wonder who are our "friends"? Certainly this letter cannot be construed as national policy, just a reminder of whom can we deal with and whom we can trust, as much as one can trust any foreign country. Like I wrote this has nothing to do with emotions and the many things we should be grateful to the American and other countries' people.
In fact, if the US does not push for Honduras re-admission to the OAS and withdraws all foreign help to us, it will actually be in the end a good thing, because it will make us as a country realize that we should pursue our destiny ALONE, we should build it OURSELVES, NOT DEPEND on ANYBODY for help. We have become a country of beggars, where if Mommas USAID, GTZ or COOPERACION ESPANOLA, does not come to our aid, we cannot function. This has to stop. It will take a lot of effort, sacrifice, and tears, but it can be done, if President Lobo and the ruling political and economic class set their efforts on the right direction...that is the one of true independence...from all types of alliances, especially those of the ALBA and the OAS people and anybody who continues to try and impose their will on us....
When .we read about the recent letter drafted by Congressperson Farr (see picture), sent by 30 Democrat Congresspersons to Ms. Hillary Clinton, requesting that all U.S. help be suspended to Honduras due to multiple human rights violations, one has to wonder who are our "friends"? Certainly this letter cannot be construed as national policy, just a reminder of whom can we deal with and whom we can trust, as much as one can trust any foreign country. Like I wrote this has nothing to do with emotions and the many things we should be grateful to the American and other countries' people.
In fact, if the US does not push for Honduras re-admission to the OAS and withdraws all foreign help to us, it will actually be in the end a good thing, because it will make us as a country realize that we should pursue our destiny ALONE, we should build it OURSELVES, NOT DEPEND on ANYBODY for help. We have become a country of beggars, where if Mommas USAID, GTZ or COOPERACION ESPANOLA, does not come to our aid, we cannot function. This has to stop. It will take a lot of effort, sacrifice, and tears, but it can be done, if President Lobo and the ruling political and economic class set their efforts on the right direction...that is the one of true independence...from all types of alliances, especially those of the ALBA and the OAS people and anybody who continues to try and impose their will on us....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Zelaya regresaria si le eliminan las ordenes de captura
Según La Tribuna Zelaya regresaría si le quitasen las ordenes de captura en su contra. En otras palabras no tiene la entereza moral de enfrentarse a la justicia tal como la hicieron sus allegados incluyendo Aristides Mejía, Rebeca Santos, Jacobo Lagos y otros.
La justicia debe ser pareja para todos y no veo por que se le tenga que dar algún tipo de tratamiento especial a este senor. A menos por supuesto que sepa que no va a tener justificación legal suficiente para desvanecer esos cargos. Interesante esta posibilidad cuando la "maniobra" de lograr que lo nombraran representante ante el Parlamento Centroamericano y por lo tanto el poder optar a "inmunidad en el cargo" como que no funciono...
Mientras tanto la "Resistencia" sigue protestando y pidiendo el regreso incondicional de Zelaya, que se convoque a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, y que se legisle que el cielo debe bajar y establecerse en la tierra por arte de magia, porque en ningún momento he escuchado siquiera una propuesta o un análisis mostrando que es lo que exactamente proponen con la Constituyente y porque la Constitución actual es tan mala que hay que quede y me quedare esperando...
Es que no aprendemos que si queremos ser como Singapore o como cualquier otros pais que se levantado es por nosotros mismos? Todo comienza por el respeto a las leyes, el perseguir la excelencia, la responsabilidad individual y social, y la competencia. No hay otro camino. No debemos esperar que el cielo baje del ALBA o el USAID.
La justicia debe ser pareja para todos y no veo por que se le tenga que dar algún tipo de tratamiento especial a este senor. A menos por supuesto que sepa que no va a tener justificación legal suficiente para desvanecer esos cargos. Interesante esta posibilidad cuando la "maniobra" de lograr que lo nombraran representante ante el Parlamento Centroamericano y por lo tanto el poder optar a "inmunidad en el cargo" como que no funciono...
Mientras tanto la "Resistencia" sigue protestando y pidiendo el regreso incondicional de Zelaya, que se convoque a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, y que se legisle que el cielo debe bajar y establecerse en la tierra por arte de magia, porque en ningún momento he escuchado siquiera una propuesta o un análisis mostrando que es lo que exactamente proponen con la Constituyente y porque la Constitución actual es tan mala que hay que quede y me quedare esperando...
Es que no aprendemos que si queremos ser como Singapore o como cualquier otros pais que se levantado es por nosotros mismos? Todo comienza por el respeto a las leyes, el perseguir la excelencia, la responsabilidad individual y social, y la competencia. No hay otro camino. No debemos esperar que el cielo baje del ALBA o el USAID.
In Nagoya Japan
As part of my job as Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI I am now in Nagoya attending the meetings of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety as part of the larger Convention on Biological Diversity conference. We are presenting our past and current research in the area of socio-economic assessments resulting from the adoption of Genetically Modified crops in developing countries.
Here are my two presentations:
“Inclusion of Socio-Economic Considerations in Biosafety Decision Making: Governance and Implementation Issues”
“Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Biotechnology: The Experience to Date”
Honduras is a "Party" to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Convention of Biological Diveristy. Honduras is the only country in Central America who has authorized the cultivation of transgenic maize resistant to specific insects.
Here are my two presentations:
“Inclusion of Socio-Economic Considerations in Biosafety Decision Making: Governance and Implementation Issues”
“Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Biotechnology: The Experience to Date”
Honduras is a "Party" to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Convention of Biological Diveristy. Honduras is the only country in Central America who has authorized the cultivation of transgenic maize resistant to specific insects.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Necesito una educacion de la "Resistencia"
Estimados miembros del Resistencia:
Honestamente quiero que me eduquen de modo que pueda aprender sobre lo que ustedes está proponiendo para el futuro de nuestra nación. Quisiera que ustedes explícitamente nos dijeran porqué ustedes quieren cambiar nuestra Constitución. Comencemos entonces desde lo mas básico, con la esperanza de que alguien de ustedes quiera -o pueda- contestar las preguntas siguientes sin ser insultado en el proceso… aunque tengo un piel gruesa y curtida por el tiempo y honestamente no me importa si me tildan de "golpista" un otros epítetos peores...
Primera pregunta. Me pueden ustedes explicar: ¿Qué artículos de la Constitución actual son la causa de la pobreza y el sub-desarrollo de nuestro país? No aceptaré la respuesta que TODA LA CONSTITUCION es la causa principal de nuestros problemas. Quiero me muestren el análisis que apoya a sus conclusiones, especialmente aquella que dice que necesitamos un Asamblea Nacional Constituyente para reescribir la constitución.
En segundo lugar, quiero saber: ¿Están ustedes proponiendo realmente la eliminación de la democracia representativa en favor del modelo del socialismo del siglo XXI apoyado por algunos países extranjeros?. Quiero saber si usted apoyan democracia y la libertad para todos, no solo para unos pocos.
Tercero, quiero saber: ¿Cuál es el proceso que usted está proponiendo para implementar una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente? ¿Cómo funcionará y bajo qué condiciones o salvaguardias? Ciertamente, me parece muy razonable establecer un sistema mínimo de salvaguardas incluyendo el imperativo que NINGUN presidente anterior puede optar para hacer presidente otra vez, que las reformas comenzarán hasta el ciclo electoral siguiente a la aprobacion de una Constitución nueva y el presente mandato presidencial, y la preservación de los controles y equilibrios entre todos los poderes del estado e instituciones creados debajo del paraguas de la constitución actual.
Cuarto. ¿Cómo ustedes reconcilian el hecho de que puede (y se ha hecho en el pasado) modificar el 98% de la constitución actual con mayoría en el Congreso nacional con sus propuestas oferta? ¿Qué es lo que ustedes están proponiendo realmente hacer?, ¿Cambiar los articulo " petreos"? O, es lo que ustedes quieren hacer realmente es obtener el control pleno del proceso político para promover su agenda política. Quiero oír su posición de manera franca y abierta, no quiero oir evasivas o respuestas vagas que no dicen nada.
Al final del día, no soy un experto constitucional para juzgar si es inclusive legal implementar una "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" de acuerdo con nuestra Constitución actual. Lo que he leído y entendido me parece indicar que el convocar a esta Asamblea no es posible ya que no es un procedimiento legal en la Constitución actual. Creo fuertemente que no debemos perseguir esta acción ya que estaríamos exponiendo a nuestro país a fuerzas externas más allá de nuestro control,e especialmente con aquellos países y personajes quienes están promoviendo filosofías y sistemas políticos que han fallado miserablemente en todos los países que han tratado de implementarlas.
Creo que podemos hacer algo mucho mejor y encontrar nuestro propio destino mientras exploramos y ejecutamos soluciones a nuestros problemas reales incluyendo la pobreza, loa inseguridad alimentaria, la corrupción, la ineficacia, la exposición al cambio climático y la vulnerabilidad, gobierno inoperantes y muchos otros…
Tengo la esperanza de recibir una respuesta de alguien, Si recibo una respuesta sensible a mis preguntas, prometo que presentare su respuestas sin ninguna edición de mi parte.
Jose Falck Zepeda
Honestamente quiero que me eduquen de modo que pueda aprender sobre lo que ustedes está proponiendo para el futuro de nuestra nación. Quisiera que ustedes explícitamente nos dijeran porqué ustedes quieren cambiar nuestra Constitución. Comencemos entonces desde lo mas básico, con la esperanza de que alguien de ustedes quiera -o pueda- contestar las preguntas siguientes sin ser insultado en el proceso… aunque tengo un piel gruesa y curtida por el tiempo y honestamente no me importa si me tildan de "golpista" un otros epítetos peores...
Primera pregunta. Me pueden ustedes explicar: ¿Qué artículos de la Constitución actual son la causa de la pobreza y el sub-desarrollo de nuestro país? No aceptaré la respuesta que TODA LA CONSTITUCION es la causa principal de nuestros problemas. Quiero me muestren el análisis que apoya a sus conclusiones, especialmente aquella que dice que necesitamos un Asamblea Nacional Constituyente para reescribir la constitución.
En segundo lugar, quiero saber: ¿Están ustedes proponiendo realmente la eliminación de la democracia representativa en favor del modelo del socialismo del siglo XXI apoyado por algunos países extranjeros?. Quiero saber si usted apoyan democracia y la libertad para todos, no solo para unos pocos.
Tercero, quiero saber: ¿Cuál es el proceso que usted está proponiendo para implementar una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente? ¿Cómo funcionará y bajo qué condiciones o salvaguardias? Ciertamente, me parece muy razonable establecer un sistema mínimo de salvaguardas incluyendo el imperativo que NINGUN presidente anterior puede optar para hacer presidente otra vez, que las reformas comenzarán hasta el ciclo electoral siguiente a la aprobacion de una Constitución nueva y el presente mandato presidencial, y la preservación de los controles y equilibrios entre todos los poderes del estado e instituciones creados debajo del paraguas de la constitución actual.
Cuarto. ¿Cómo ustedes reconcilian el hecho de que puede (y se ha hecho en el pasado) modificar el 98% de la constitución actual con mayoría en el Congreso nacional con sus propuestas oferta? ¿Qué es lo que ustedes están proponiendo realmente hacer?, ¿Cambiar los articulo " petreos"? O, es lo que ustedes quieren hacer realmente es obtener el control pleno del proceso político para promover su agenda política. Quiero oír su posición de manera franca y abierta, no quiero oir evasivas o respuestas vagas que no dicen nada.
Al final del día, no soy un experto constitucional para juzgar si es inclusive legal implementar una "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" de acuerdo con nuestra Constitución actual. Lo que he leído y entendido me parece indicar que el convocar a esta Asamblea no es posible ya que no es un procedimiento legal en la Constitución actual. Creo fuertemente que no debemos perseguir esta acción ya que estaríamos exponiendo a nuestro país a fuerzas externas más allá de nuestro control,e especialmente con aquellos países y personajes quienes están promoviendo filosofías y sistemas políticos que han fallado miserablemente en todos los países que han tratado de implementarlas.
Creo que podemos hacer algo mucho mejor y encontrar nuestro propio destino mientras exploramos y ejecutamos soluciones a nuestros problemas reales incluyendo la pobreza, loa inseguridad alimentaria, la corrupción, la ineficacia, la exposición al cambio climático y la vulnerabilidad, gobierno inoperantes y muchos otros…
Tengo la esperanza de recibir una respuesta de alguien, Si recibo una respuesta sensible a mis preguntas, prometo que presentare su respuestas sin ninguna edición de mi parte.
Jose Falck Zepeda
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I need to be educated in "Resistansee"
Dear Members of the Resistencia:
I honestly want to be educated and learn about what you are proposing as the future for our nation. I want you to explicitly tell us why do you want to change our constitution.
Let's then start from the beginning and hopefully I will get somebody who can answer the following questions without getting insulted in the process...although I am quite thick skin and it won't matter if I am called "golpista" or something else.
First, can you explain which articles of the current Constitution are the cause of poverty and under development of our country? I will not accept the answer ALL OF IT is the root cause of our problems. I want to know the analysis that supports your conclusions that we need an Asamblea Nacional Constituyente to re-write the constitution.
Second, I want to know if you are really proposing the elimination of representative democracy in fvor of the 21st Century socialism model supported by some foreign countries? Is this your position. I want to know if you support democracy and freedom for all, not the chosen few.
Third, I want to know what is the process you are proposing to call for an Asamblea Nacional Constituyente? How will it operate and under what conditions or safeguards? Certainly, seems very reasonable to establish a minimum set of safeguards including that no former president can opt to become president again, that the reforms will begin until the next electoral cycle and presidential mandate, and the preservation of the checks and balances between all state powers and institutions created under the umbrella of the current constitution.
Fourth, how do you reconcile the fact that 98% of the current constitution can (and has been ) changed with majority in Congress with your proposal? Is it really that you want to change the "articulos petreos" or is it that you want to obtain full control of the political process to promote your political agenda? I want to hear this in the open, no beating around the bush with evasive answers.
I am not a Constitutional scholar to judge whether it is even legal to implement an "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" based on our current Constitution. My careful reading and understandign seems to indicate that it is not possible. It is my even strongest belief that we should not pursue this action as we are exposing our country to forces beyond our control and who are promoting political approaches that have failed miserably elsewhere.
I believe we can do better and find our own destiny while exploring and implementing solutions to our real problems of poverty, food insecurity, corruption, inefficiency, exposure to climate change and vulnerability, poor governance and many others...
Hope I can hear from somebody and if I do receive a sensible answer to my questions, I promise I will post your reply without any editing.
Jose Falck Zepeda
I honestly want to be educated and learn about what you are proposing as the future for our nation. I want you to explicitly tell us why do you want to change our constitution.
Let's then start from the beginning and hopefully I will get somebody who can answer the following questions without getting insulted in the process...although I am quite thick skin and it won't matter if I am called "golpista" or something else.
First, can you explain which articles of the current Constitution are the cause of poverty and under development of our country? I will not accept the answer ALL OF IT is the root cause of our problems. I want to know the analysis that supports your conclusions that we need an Asamblea Nacional Constituyente to re-write the constitution.
Second, I want to know if you are really proposing the elimination of representative democracy in fvor of the 21st Century socialism model supported by some foreign countries? Is this your position. I want to know if you support democracy and freedom for all, not the chosen few.
Third, I want to know what is the process you are proposing to call for an Asamblea Nacional Constituyente? How will it operate and under what conditions or safeguards? Certainly, seems very reasonable to establish a minimum set of safeguards including that no former president can opt to become president again, that the reforms will begin until the next electoral cycle and presidential mandate, and the preservation of the checks and balances between all state powers and institutions created under the umbrella of the current constitution.
Fourth, how do you reconcile the fact that 98% of the current constitution can (and has been ) changed with majority in Congress with your proposal? Is it really that you want to change the "articulos petreos" or is it that you want to obtain full control of the political process to promote your political agenda? I want to hear this in the open, no beating around the bush with evasive answers.
I am not a Constitutional scholar to judge whether it is even legal to implement an "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" based on our current Constitution. My careful reading and understandign seems to indicate that it is not possible. It is my even strongest belief that we should not pursue this action as we are exposing our country to forces beyond our control and who are promoting political approaches that have failed miserably elsewhere.
I believe we can do better and find our own destiny while exploring and implementing solutions to our real problems of poverty, food insecurity, corruption, inefficiency, exposure to climate change and vulnerability, poor governance and many others...
Hope I can hear from somebody and if I do receive a sensible answer to my questions, I promise I will post your reply without any editing.
Jose Falck Zepeda
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It was never about Zelaya's re-election
All the talk about an "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" before and after the events where Zelaya was removed from office was not about this nefarious person re-election. No, it was in the end about getting rid of representative democracy by eliminating our Constitution and being able to put in its place a regime akin to those of the ALBA countries. The leaders of the "Resistencia" vision is/was for Honduras becoming a country based on 21st century socialism predicated by Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Correa and Ortega and the other followers of the brothers Castro.
This is important to understand as the current discussions led by President Lobo are underway in Tegucigalpa. Luis Consenza Jimenez has a similar opinion in his article ?Constituyente? in Proceso Digital. Another interesting article in Diario La Tribuna by Lic. Federico Alvarez makes some suggestions if by any chance the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente becomes a reality in our political future.
I completely concur in Lic. Alvarez request to see a serious analysis on what is wrong with our constitution and a formal proposal by the "Resistencia" on what they want changed in this document, BEFORE we move on on further discussions. I am afraid our requests will be lost in the wind, as there is no real interest in this groups' to submit any formal proposals....they then expose themselves to criticism...rather leave things hanging out there in a nebulous cloud... I can be wrong....prove me wrong please...
This is important to understand as the current discussions led by President Lobo are underway in Tegucigalpa. Luis Consenza Jimenez has a similar opinion in his article ?Constituyente? in Proceso Digital. Another interesting article in Diario La Tribuna by Lic. Federico Alvarez makes some suggestions if by any chance the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente becomes a reality in our political future.
I completely concur in Lic. Alvarez request to see a serious analysis on what is wrong with our constitution and a formal proposal by the "Resistencia" on what they want changed in this document, BEFORE we move on on further discussions. I am afraid our requests will be lost in the wind, as there is no real interest in this groups' to submit any formal proposals....they then expose themselves to criticism...rather leave things hanging out there in a nebulous cloud... I can be wrong....prove me wrong please...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bien Doña Vilma Morales --
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Source: La Tribuna |
Muy bien dicho Doña Vilma, usted le pone el punto a las ies y deja al descubierto la falacia de los que impulsan la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. La constitución se puede cambiar casi en su totalidad por mayoría simple en el Congreso, SIN necesidad de una Constituyente. A menos que nos queramos convertir en una monarquía, queramos regalarle tierra a cualquiera de nuestros vecinos del Salvador, Nicaragua o Guatemala, el único de los artículos pétreos que tiene importancia “política” era el de la prohibición a la re-elección.
De paso, la interrogante mas simple y que no he escuchado siquiera una respuesta a pesar de haberlo hecho múltiples veces es: que artículos o secciones especificas de la actual Constitución causan la pobreza y el atraso de nuestro pueblo? Si la respuesta es “toda”, esa no es respuesta mas que de los holgazanes del pensamiento y los que tienen intereses especiales que no les importa discutir y apoyar sus posiciones con argumentos validos.
Nuestros problemas no son por una Constitución “imperfecta” ya que al final del dia todos estos documentos son imperfectos, el problema nuestro es el respeto de la misma y de las leyes….mucha diferencia…
I'm back again on the bloggin' train
After a nightmarish schedule of trips to Kenya, Malawi, PR China, South Africa and balmy Canada for work, I'm back writing. I know that leaving such gaps is a huge no-no in the bloggin' world, but had to deal with access on the road and so on. So, let's how I manage coping with writing a bit more regularly. Well, seems like things are going downhill down real under in my country Honduras. More a bit later.
Monday, August 30, 2010
La educacion y el progreso...
A nosotros en Honduras no nos ha caído el veinte respecto a la educación...Al final del día tenemos que entender que una población educada NO puede ser manipulada tan fácilmente.
Lo entendió Costa Rica y lo entendió igual que otros países que han dado el gran salto pragmático hacia el desarrollo. No podemos darnos el lujo de tener una población funcionalmente analfabeta y con poca capacidad administrativa, y menos una que culturalmente -en el sentido amplio de la palabra- continua en taparrabos.
Tampoco, podemos continuar aguantando desordenes como el que propiciaron, grupúsculos dentro del magisterio nacional al negarse a obedecer el pacto firmado con el gobierno. Hay que cumplir con lo justo, hay que pagar sueldos atrasados y/o contribuciones atrasadas del gobierno al INPREMA, Pero, tampoco el gobierno del Presidente Lobo puede darse el lujo de permitir el caos y la anarquía en el país.
Si los profesores quieren presionar al gobierno que hagan sus paros (o asambleas informativas) el sábado o domingo, para que tampoco interfieran con la libre locomocion el resto de habitantes en el país.
Profesores que no cumplan con su obligación educativa, negándoles el derecho humano a los ninos en el país de tener una educación, que se les sancione de acuerdo con el Estatuto del Docente. Si este desorden persiste que se declare un estado de excepción, y que profesor que no se presente a laborar previo aviso, se le despida sumariamente. Es mas, si este desorden generalizado persiste, que despida a TODOS los maestros y que les de la opción a que re-apliquen a su plaza al día siguiente, siendo aceptados aquellos que puedan demostrar que ha continuado dando clases o que quieren dar clases pero que no ha podido por presiones de profesores revoltosos. Así se impone el orden, de acuerdo a la ley.
De nuevo, se les debe dinero a los maestros para su retiro en el INPREMA por la irresponsabilidad y demagogia de Manuel Zelaya Rosales, pues se les promete pagar pero con la consideración del caso pagando con facilidades de pago. Esta promesa debe ser firme y con la convicción de pagar lo adeudado. Cualquier otro asunto valido pues también sera canalizado en un tiempo prudencial por las partes involucradas. Si no se ve la cosa así, pues entonces estamos hablando de gente que trata con política, no con reclamos reales.
Lo entendió Costa Rica y lo entendió igual que otros países que han dado el gran salto pragmático hacia el desarrollo. No podemos darnos el lujo de tener una población funcionalmente analfabeta y con poca capacidad administrativa, y menos una que culturalmente -en el sentido amplio de la palabra- continua en taparrabos.
Tampoco, podemos continuar aguantando desordenes como el que propiciaron, grupúsculos dentro del magisterio nacional al negarse a obedecer el pacto firmado con el gobierno. Hay que cumplir con lo justo, hay que pagar sueldos atrasados y/o contribuciones atrasadas del gobierno al INPREMA, Pero, tampoco el gobierno del Presidente Lobo puede darse el lujo de permitir el caos y la anarquía en el país.
Si los profesores quieren presionar al gobierno que hagan sus paros (o asambleas informativas) el sábado o domingo, para que tampoco interfieran con la libre locomocion el resto de habitantes en el país.
Profesores que no cumplan con su obligación educativa, negándoles el derecho humano a los ninos en el país de tener una educación, que se les sancione de acuerdo con el Estatuto del Docente. Si este desorden persiste que se declare un estado de excepción, y que profesor que no se presente a laborar previo aviso, se le despida sumariamente. Es mas, si este desorden generalizado persiste, que despida a TODOS los maestros y que les de la opción a que re-apliquen a su plaza al día siguiente, siendo aceptados aquellos que puedan demostrar que ha continuado dando clases o que quieren dar clases pero que no ha podido por presiones de profesores revoltosos. Así se impone el orden, de acuerdo a la ley.
De nuevo, se les debe dinero a los maestros para su retiro en el INPREMA por la irresponsabilidad y demagogia de Manuel Zelaya Rosales, pues se les promete pagar pero con la consideración del caso pagando con facilidades de pago. Esta promesa debe ser firme y con la convicción de pagar lo adeudado. Cualquier otro asunto valido pues también sera canalizado en un tiempo prudencial por las partes involucradas. Si no se ve la cosa así, pues entonces estamos hablando de gente que trata con política, no con reclamos reales.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Quien miente...el TSC, Mel, o el Gabinete de Mel?
El Tribunal Supremo de Cuentas (TSC ) denuncio a la opinion publica nacional que no saben en que se usaron 98 millones de dolares donados por el pueblo de Venezuela para el Comite Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO) durante la administración Zelaya. El propósito original de estos fondos era atender contingencias relacionadas con el clima incluyendo inundaciones y lluvias. Otros 2 millones de dolares, el TSC tiene una idea en que se uso, pero parece que son usos reparables, es decir, sospechosos.
Responde el Ex-Presidente Zelaya que nunca hubieron 100 millones dolares donados por Venezuela al COPECO, mas bien eran "solamente 2 millones de dolares" del ALBA
El Gabinete de Mel Zelaya emitió un comunicado culpando al gobierno de transición de Micheletti por el uso de los 98 millones de dolares.
Entonces...compatriotas...quien de estos tres miente. El Gabinete de Mel contradice a Mel Zelaya....y en cierta forma confirma al TSC....ustedes juzguen....
Responde el Ex-Presidente Zelaya que nunca hubieron 100 millones dolares donados por Venezuela al COPECO, mas bien eran "solamente 2 millones de dolares" del ALBA
El Gabinete de Mel Zelaya emitió un comunicado culpando al gobierno de transición de Micheletti por el uso de los 98 millones de dolares.
Entonces...compatriotas...quien de estos tres miente. El Gabinete de Mel contradice a Mel Zelaya....y en cierta forma confirma al TSC....ustedes juzguen....
Farewell to My Dear Teacher, Miss Castillo Potts
Today at 6;15 am, Gloria Suyapa Castillo Torres - Potts, lost a long and courageous fight with breast cancer. Suyapa passed away at the Bethesda Naval Hospital surrounded in presence and spirit by her two daughters, Gloriss and Marissa,her husband Howard Potts, family, friends and former students.
Those of us who knew Suyapa -or Miss Castillo to those like me who where her students in the American Academy in San Pedro Sula way back when- met her as family, caring person, artist, writer, group organizer, and an overall good person who was a tireless fighter for many causes.
Suyapa literally touched hundreds of lives through instruction as a teacher, was a presence in written and online newspapers and other communication media.During her life Suyapa fought many demons, received many blessings and lived a life with many miracles.
We will miss you Miss Castillo - La Guerrera de Junco/Dama de los Girasoles/La Cubana de Corazon/La mujer de la sonrisa y los ojos verdes- we will surely celebrate your life as we are the inheritance you left in this world. Peace and our heartfelt condolences to Gloriss, Marissa, Howard Potts, and the rest of the Castillo Torres and related families.
Those of us who knew Suyapa -or Miss Castillo to those like me who where her students in the American Academy in San Pedro Sula way back when- met her as family, caring person, artist, writer, group organizer, and an overall good person who was a tireless fighter for many causes.
Suyapa literally touched hundreds of lives through instruction as a teacher, was a presence in written and online newspapers and other communication media.During her life Suyapa fought many demons, received many blessings and lived a life with many miracles.
We will miss you Miss Castillo - La Guerrera de Junco/Dama de los Girasoles/La Cubana de Corazon/La mujer de la sonrisa y los ojos verdes- we will surely celebrate your life as we are the inheritance you left in this world. Peace and our heartfelt condolences to Gloriss, Marissa, Howard Potts, and the rest of the Castillo Torres and related families.
98 million reasons why Zelaya has to pay for its crimes
The Supreme Accounts Tribunal (Tribunal Supremo de Cuentas) revealed yesterday that out of the 100 million US$ donated by Venezuela for COPECO (Comite Permanente de Contingencias), they do not have a clue on what 98 million US$ were spent by Zelayas's administration. There is simply no record of where did all the the money go, for what and for whom. In fact, they can only account for US$ 2 million, most of it spent on transactions of a dubious nature.
To add to the long list of crimes, a very expensive Lexus SUV bought without any bidding process by the Presidential Office during Zelaya's time was also missing even before Zelaya was removed from office.
So, people still want for Zelaya to return to return to Honduras without facing the law and thus not explain what happened with all the money that is missing from his administration? I am flabbergasted about this...
The tragedy is that the purpose of the US$ 100 million donated by the people of Venezuela (stealing from Zelaya's puppet master? If I were Chavez I would asking Zelaya about the money) was to strengthen the response to rain, flooding and other weather related emergencies. Now, we have to date, at least 32 persons dead and countless damage due to rain and flooding.
We demand from President Lobo not to lower his head to the OEA and Insulza, who are conditioning Honduras return to that decrepit organization on the unconditional return of Zelaya. No more...impunity Mr. President. Zelaya has to return and face justice. It was a big mistake letting him go without enduring please do not make this mistake worse, by compromising even further our national dignity and honor by disrespecting the law and the Constitution even more.
To add to the long list of crimes, a very expensive Lexus SUV bought without any bidding process by the Presidential Office during Zelaya's time was also missing even before Zelaya was removed from office.
So, people still want for Zelaya to return to return to Honduras without facing the law and thus not explain what happened with all the money that is missing from his administration? I am flabbergasted about this...
The tragedy is that the purpose of the US$ 100 million donated by the people of Venezuela (stealing from Zelaya's puppet master? If I were Chavez I would asking Zelaya about the money) was to strengthen the response to rain, flooding and other weather related emergencies. Now, we have to date, at least 32 persons dead and countless damage due to rain and flooding.
We demand from President Lobo not to lower his head to the OEA and Insulza, who are conditioning Honduras return to that decrepit organization on the unconditional return of Zelaya. No more...impunity Mr. President. Zelaya has to return and face justice. It was a big mistake letting him go without enduring please do not make this mistake worse, by compromising even further our national dignity and honor by disrespecting the law and the Constitution even more.
Monday, August 9, 2010
And Jorge Arturo Reina accepted the Ambassadorship to UNASUR
Cosas veredes mi querido Sancho...Jorge Arturo Reina accepted the offer from President Lobo of becoming Honduras Ambassador to UNASUR. Mr. Reina is sacrificing himself, as according to some of my sources he is going to earn $8,000 a month. Besides being a insult to all who heard Mr. Reina defend Zelaya and his plans, who moved heaven and earth to get the UN to sanction Honduras, and who literally condemned Zelaya's removal, it is an insult to those Hondurans who live on US1 dollar a day.
Think about this for just a minute. This money could be better spend vaccinating 8,00 children or spending in buying pirethroid insecticides to control mosquitoes, rather than financing the lifestyle of the rich and famous to the itinerant Ambassador to an organization who does not recognize Honduras, and which most of its members also do not recognize Honduras.
I heard some rumors out there saying that President Lobo is actually thinking of accepting the request by Daniel Ortega to name Patricia Rodas Baca as Honduras Ambassador in Nicaragua in order to get that country's recognition of Honduras.
Sorry, but I may be square and don't see what is President Lobo's plan here or maybe we do not know all of what is going on. At one point one has to recognize that even though a policy or action may be strategic in nature, but it is also one that is selling your soul to obtain short term gains.
Think about this for just a minute. This money could be better spend vaccinating 8,00 children or spending in buying pirethroid insecticides to control mosquitoes, rather than financing the lifestyle of the rich and famous to the itinerant Ambassador to an organization who does not recognize Honduras, and which most of its members also do not recognize Honduras.
I heard some rumors out there saying that President Lobo is actually thinking of accepting the request by Daniel Ortega to name Patricia Rodas Baca as Honduras Ambassador in Nicaragua in order to get that country's recognition of Honduras.
Sorry, but I may be square and don't see what is President Lobo's plan here or maybe we do not know all of what is going on. At one point one has to recognize that even though a policy or action may be strategic in nature, but it is also one that is selling your soul to obtain short term gains.
El Comunicado de Zelaya respecto al nombramiento de Reina
Zelaya envío el siguiente comunicado al pueblo de Honduras y al Comunidad Internacional. Mi intención al publicar esto es solamente resaltar el hecho que este Sr. no ha abandonado sus aspiraciones para la re-elección presidencial. Solamente los ilusos o los caza-bobos pueden continuar opinando que Zelaya nunca busco su re-elección al instaurar la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. El texto completo de este comunicado fue extraído de Proceso Digital. Evidentemente que esta es una muestra mas de la megalomania de Zelaya, que sigue creyendo su propia retorica.
Al Pueblo Hondureño y a la Comunidad Internacional, comunico que he sido Informado de las declaraciones del Dr. Jorge Arturo Reina en el programa “Interpretando la Noticia”, en cuanto a la propuesta que le ha hecho el régimen de Porfirio Lobo para nombrarle como Embajador itinerante, especialmente ante los países que conforman la UNASUR. Al respecto, quisiera declarar lo siguiente:
1. Que la trágica experiencia del golpe de estado del 28 de junio de 2009, nos ha enseñado, que los que fueron capaces de romper el orden constitucional, y su sucedáneo, apoyado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, no cumplieron ni cumplen los compromisos acordados, aunque se hallan suscrito en documentos públicos, constituyendo esto una burla constante para el pueblo Hondureño.
2 Que las posiciones mediáticas del régimen del propio Presidente Lobo Sosa, y algunas de sus declaraciones personales en las que trata de aparentar “buena voluntad”, son absolutamente, incongruente con sus acciones.
3. Que promover el reconocimiento del régimen en las actuales condiciones, constituiría un desprecio para nuestros mártires, sería condenado por nuestro pueblo y por aquellos que desde la comunidad internacional han sostenido con firmeza posiciones de dignidad.
Por tanto, considero correcta la posición dada a conocer por el Embajador Reina Idiquez de NO aceptar la nominación que le ofrece el régimen de Lobo Sosa; primero que cumpla las recomendaciones hechas por la Comisión de Alto Nivel integrada por 17 países de la OEA, mediante el Informe elaborado por mandato de la Asamblea General de Lima, y que en síntesis señala lo siguiente:
A- Poner fin a los juicios iniciados en contra del ex Presidente Zelaya y sus colaboradores, ya que los mismos tienen motivaciones políticas (persecución judicial por motivos políticos).
B- Avanzar decididamente en las investigaciones para esclarecer los asesinatos cometidos en el marco del golpe de estado, y durante el régimen de Lobo. C- Adoptar medidas para poner fin a los asesinatos, torturas, persecución, amenazas y hostigamientos contra miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular. D- Dotar a la Comisión Interinstitucional de Derechos Humanos de Honduras de los recursos humanos y económicos para que pueda responder de manera eficiente a la defensa de los Derechos Humanos.
F- Que cese la impunidad por las violaciones a los derechos humanos, incluyendo las verificadas por la CIDH y la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de la ONU.
Asimismo, el régimen debe dar cumplimiento a las condiciones mínimas que permitan dar inicio al proceso de reconciliación y normalización para la restauración democrática en nuestro país como fue presentado por nosotros, en el plan de reconciliación, a la OEA y Honduras pueda integrarse con pleno derecho a la comunidad internacional como es nuestro deseo, cumpliendo lo siguiente :
Que se separen de sus cargos a los autores intelectuales y materiales del golpe de estado, los crímenes de lesa humanidad y de las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos.
Que se convoque a un gran dialogo nacional, para elegir la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, a través de la cual se proceda a la refundación pacifica de la institucionalidad democrática en nuestro país.
4. No podemos ni debemos como defensores de la democracia y de los Derechos Humanos, aceptar este tipo de trampas que únicamente contribuyen a la promoción de la impunidad y por ende, a que otros piensen que el nuevo patrón de opresión es dar golpes de estado en naciones hermanas, sin castigo para los criminales golpistas .
José Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Ex Presidente de Honduras. Coordinador General del FNRP
República Dominicana 7 de agosto de 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jorge Arturo Reina Idiaquez Ambassador to UNASUR
Who else will get a reward for a long history of "supporting" the country and their efforts to establish a free and democratic Republic? Perhaps Rafael Alegria to replace Cesar Ham at INA...hey Rosenthal Oliva asked for Ham's head as this guy touched his interests....Milton Jimenez Puerto to become Honduran Ambassador to the U.S. ...Patricia Rodas Baca for Ambassador to the United Nations...Juan Barahona for Minister of the Interior....
Caption: Jorge Arturo Reina Idiaquez disserting on the "military coup" in Honduras while requesting strong sanctions against the country to restore "constitutional order".
It comes to this point where one has to understand that reconciliation does not mean compromising the strategic interests of the country nor its soul. A column by Mr. Benjamin Santos has a slightly different opinion with regard to this issue in La Tribuna
We cannot continue sending conflicting messages about the transition process to the new constitutional government. I will not get tired repeating that our foreign policy has to be build upon a strong national policy that is strategic, logic and forward looking, but one who is aligned with the ideals of a democratic and free society withing the Republic. If one's actions contradict this principle...then its time to re-evaluate one's two of my favorite newspaper columnist Juan Ramon Martinez and Dona Gloria Leticia Pineda de Lazarus would say "those who want to hear...hear"
Caption: Jorge Arturo Reina Idiaquez disserting on the "military coup" in Honduras while requesting strong sanctions against the country to restore "constitutional order".
It comes to this point where one has to understand that reconciliation does not mean compromising the strategic interests of the country nor its soul. A column by Mr. Benjamin Santos has a slightly different opinion with regard to this issue in La Tribuna
We cannot continue sending conflicting messages about the transition process to the new constitutional government. I will not get tired repeating that our foreign policy has to be build upon a strong national policy that is strategic, logic and forward looking, but one who is aligned with the ideals of a democratic and free society withing the Republic. If one's actions contradict this principle...then its time to re-evaluate one's two of my favorite newspaper columnist Juan Ramon Martinez and Dona Gloria Leticia Pineda de Lazarus would say "those who want to hear...hear"
Monday, August 2, 2010
Reports from the OAS High Commission /Reportes Comision Alto Nivel OEA
For your information, here is the report of the high level commission of the OAS reporting on the progress that Honduras has met regarding its compliance with the requirements to gain back access to this organization. This is the english version
Para su información, aquí esta el reporte de la comisión de alto nivel de la OEA reportando acerca del progreso que Honduras ha obtenido al cumplir los requerimientos que le permitirán recuperar la membresia en dicho organismo. Esta es la versión en español
Para su información, aquí esta el reporte de la comisión de alto nivel de la OEA reportando acerca del progreso que Honduras ha obtenido al cumplir los requerimientos que le permitirán recuperar la membresia en dicho organismo. Esta es la versión en español
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Lula and Ortega can go to h**?~
Both Lula and Ortega have expressed that the conditions are not there for them to recognize the government of Porfirio Lobo Sosa as the lawful authority in Honduras. They also declared that the coup-d-etat that removed Zelaya from office is an open wound that can only be healed with Zelaya's return. See the report in La Prensa
These gentlemen do not seem to acknowledge the fact that the majority of Hondurans voted for Porfirio Lobo or the other three candidates, in a free election where all the preparatory process leading to the election had been completed under Zelaya's administration. We have chosen and we chose Lobo as our legitimate President. If you cannot disassociate whatever happen on June 28 with the elections on November 27, then you better review your own national histories until it permeates your little minds. Both Brazil and Nicaragua (as well as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia) have emerged from violent removals of elected Presidents through elections organized by the offending party...the military in this case.
In our case, the military were periferal to the elections, the National Electoral Tribunal conducted the elections, which we cannot repeat enough, had been completed except for the final voting process.
So, Mr. da Silva and Mr. Ortega, if you cannot accept that Lobo is our lawfully elected can literally go to he***...pardon for the expletive but we are reaching the no return point. President Lobo has to understand that the more he keeps trying to please these people, the more they will be asking from our country. Lets work on those bilateral relations that are working and then calmly wait for the change in government that will come very soon in all of the ALBA countries.
These gentlemen do not seem to acknowledge the fact that the majority of Hondurans voted for Porfirio Lobo or the other three candidates, in a free election where all the preparatory process leading to the election had been completed under Zelaya's administration. We have chosen and we chose Lobo as our legitimate President. If you cannot disassociate whatever happen on June 28 with the elections on November 27, then you better review your own national histories until it permeates your little minds. Both Brazil and Nicaragua (as well as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia) have emerged from violent removals of elected Presidents through elections organized by the offending party...the military in this case.
In our case, the military were periferal to the elections, the National Electoral Tribunal conducted the elections, which we cannot repeat enough, had been completed except for the final voting process.
So, Mr. da Silva and Mr. Ortega, if you cannot accept that Lobo is our lawfully elected can literally go to he***...pardon for the expletive but we are reaching the no return point. President Lobo has to understand that the more he keeps trying to please these people, the more they will be asking from our country. Lets work on those bilateral relations that are working and then calmly wait for the change in government that will come very soon in all of the ALBA countries.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Nicaragua's President considers "illegitimate" Honduras government
President Ortega has indicated that the incorporation of Honduras into the regional integration system (SICA in Spanish) is illegitimate as there was no representative from Nicaragua in the presidential meeting that drafted and released the joint declaration indicating that Honduras can rejoin the system. Never mind, that Nicaragua did not attend the meeting precisely to avoid signing the resolution openly. Furthermore, it is not clear whether Honduras was kicked out the system in the first place.
I have written before and will continue expressing my opinion that we need to define our foreign policy responding to our national/domestic policy. These two cannot be independent. Therefore, we need to pursue those foreign relations that will support our national development and policies and discard those that do not. We cannot continue begging for recognition. If a country wants to recognize us as the free and democratic country in the making that we are, so be it. If not, then we stop pursuing those interests and would wait until the time that we are treated as equals.
We will not tolerate those actions by Ortega, Correa, Morales or their ilk who keep on mounting requirements to "allow our return to the international arena". Now, even the FMLN, the old guerrillas turned political party in El Salvador are putting their own requirements for us as a country to comply. That is unacceptable and cannot be allowed anymore. If we let this build up, where anybody can pretty much tell us what to do, we are losing our national sovereignty and are in danger of pretty much giving our country away to those who seek destroying the Republic.
Our foreign policy should be unemotional, calculating, strategic and unwavering in maintaining our national identity as a democratic Republic. If foreign governments such as that of Nicaragua, insists on interfering with our affairs, we need to let them know, politely but firmly , that such interventions are not acceptable and that they are free to withdraw their diplomatic representation until they recognize us a democratic country with a freely elected government.
In fact, if Nicaragua or El Salvador insist on interfering with our affairs, we need to send the proper signals and further actions so that they will not be able to use Puerto Cortes as a shipment port for their products. This embargo would last until we normalize relations. We have an ace here as both countries need Puerto Cortes to ship their exports. Certainly,it will not take long and in all probabilities will not even need to be implemented in the first place. Let's see how long they continue interfering in our affairs.
Lets remember that no period of bad luck lasts forever. Governments come and go, and so we just need to be patient and build upon what we do have, governments who now recognize us as a democratic country and our government. This is not bravado nor knee jerk reactions. Each intervention has to be thought thoroughly with the proviso that we have to have our country as our main interest. Other countries can look for themselves.
I have written before and will continue expressing my opinion that we need to define our foreign policy responding to our national/domestic policy. These two cannot be independent. Therefore, we need to pursue those foreign relations that will support our national development and policies and discard those that do not. We cannot continue begging for recognition. If a country wants to recognize us as the free and democratic country in the making that we are, so be it. If not, then we stop pursuing those interests and would wait until the time that we are treated as equals.
We will not tolerate those actions by Ortega, Correa, Morales or their ilk who keep on mounting requirements to "allow our return to the international arena". Now, even the FMLN, the old guerrillas turned political party in El Salvador are putting their own requirements for us as a country to comply. That is unacceptable and cannot be allowed anymore. If we let this build up, where anybody can pretty much tell us what to do, we are losing our national sovereignty and are in danger of pretty much giving our country away to those who seek destroying the Republic.
Our foreign policy should be unemotional, calculating, strategic and unwavering in maintaining our national identity as a democratic Republic. If foreign governments such as that of Nicaragua, insists on interfering with our affairs, we need to let them know, politely but firmly , that such interventions are not acceptable and that they are free to withdraw their diplomatic representation until they recognize us a democratic country with a freely elected government.
In fact, if Nicaragua or El Salvador insist on interfering with our affairs, we need to send the proper signals and further actions so that they will not be able to use Puerto Cortes as a shipment port for their products. This embargo would last until we normalize relations. We have an ace here as both countries need Puerto Cortes to ship their exports. Certainly,it will not take long and in all probabilities will not even need to be implemented in the first place. Let's see how long they continue interfering in our affairs.
Lets remember that no period of bad luck lasts forever. Governments come and go, and so we just need to be patient and build upon what we do have, governments who now recognize us as a democratic country and our government. This is not bravado nor knee jerk reactions. Each intervention has to be thought thoroughly with the proviso that we have to have our country as our main interest. Other countries can look for themselves.
Monday, July 19, 2010
For a sample a button...a column by Luis Consenza Jimenez
Interesting article by Luis Cosenza Jimenez (Minister of the Presidency in the Maduro administration) showing the "tolerant" and "democracy-loving" ways of the current "Resistencia" leadership, through their actions in Tocoa, Colon. To read the article, please click here
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday's Funny Quotes
"We know that there are hundreds of thousands of unnecessary workers on the budget and labor books, and some analysts calculate that the excess of jobs has surpassed 1 million,"
"Without people feeling the need to work to make a living, sheltered by state regulations that are excessively paternalistic and irrational, we will never stimulate a love for work,"
Who's the author of these pearls of wisdom: Barak Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel.... nope... although they still have to yet confess this long time held secret "a sotto vocce"... it is... Raul Castro in public speeches around Cuba. BTW, these quotes are funny because of the source, although the tragedy of the Cuban people cannot be ignored anymore - nor their many accomplishments...
The winner though is the Cuban people, where most of them are employed by the government, thus unemployment is "non-existent" and whose salaries are so low that a favorite saying is:
"The government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work"
Welcome to the Socialist paradise my friends, and its "new" concoction "21st Century Socialism" pursued by the Narcisist-Leninist" followers of Chavez and Co. Why do we insist on trying things and models that have failed and to which even core communist countries such as China and Vietnam have started moving away from themselves?
"Without people feeling the need to work to make a living, sheltered by state regulations that are excessively paternalistic and irrational, we will never stimulate a love for work,"
Who's the author of these pearls of wisdom: Barak Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel.... nope... although they still have to yet confess this long time held secret "a sotto vocce"... it is... Raul Castro in public speeches around Cuba. BTW, these quotes are funny because of the source, although the tragedy of the Cuban people cannot be ignored anymore - nor their many accomplishments...
The winner though is the Cuban people, where most of them are employed by the government, thus unemployment is "non-existent" and whose salaries are so low that a favorite saying is:
"The government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work"
Welcome to the Socialist paradise my friends, and its "new" concoction "21st Century Socialism" pursued by the Narcisist-Leninist" followers of Chavez and Co. Why do we insist on trying things and models that have failed and to which even core communist countries such as China and Vietnam have started moving away from themselves?
Recommended reading
I just finished reading "Itinerario de una caida: Los consejos que no escucho Zelaya" again. I would recommend this book again and again, as this shows the deterioration and eventual collapse of Zelaya's administration and the reasons why his removal from office was justified. Martinez version of the infamous "Zelaya's resignation letter" is quite interesting as it is a very credible hypothesis.
The stories behind the so called "Patricios" and his former Foreign Minister inffluence on Zelaya are important to understand as they serve explaining many of his missteps, but not all. Certainly, Zelaya is a quite formidable political animal, a survivor and predator, who miscalculated his later steps, and who let his ego get the best of he did not listen to anybody...but himself.
By the way, one of the things that has not resonated with people and which is highlighted in this book is the fact that Zelaya himself confessed to being elected using fraud. Another important fact is that he was elected with only 19% of the electoral vote, in fact the report of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal was never released in spite of being mandatory according to Honduran law, and that Zelaya was declared a winner by none other than a Mr. Aristides Mejia, Zelaya's old chump, Head at the time of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and who later became Minister of Security under Zelaya. Later, Zelaya named Mejia, Counselor Vice President....a joke in itself as our Constitution does not have the figure of a Vice-President, but Zelaya wanted to reward his friend Mejia with the position. So, Zelaya created this monstrosity of a wonder...
The stories behind the so called "Patricios" and his former Foreign Minister inffluence on Zelaya are important to understand as they serve explaining many of his missteps, but not all. Certainly, Zelaya is a quite formidable political animal, a survivor and predator, who miscalculated his later steps, and who let his ego get the best of he did not listen to anybody...but himself.
By the way, one of the things that has not resonated with people and which is highlighted in this book is the fact that Zelaya himself confessed to being elected using fraud. Another important fact is that he was elected with only 19% of the electoral vote, in fact the report of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal was never released in spite of being mandatory according to Honduran law, and that Zelaya was declared a winner by none other than a Mr. Aristides Mejia, Zelaya's old chump, Head at the time of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and who later became Minister of Security under Zelaya. Later, Zelaya named Mejia, Counselor Vice President....a joke in itself as our Constitution does not have the figure of a Vice-President, but Zelaya wanted to reward his friend Mejia with the position. So, Zelaya created this monstrosity of a wonder...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Gods are not completely crazy....
As I developed in an old post in this blog...the so called "Resistencia" is a conglomerate of individuals with quite different interests and political aspirations. We can also partition the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP) into organizations and somewhat loose groups that have their own agendas and interests. If we do this then we can see how fragile the FNRP is at this point in time, in the sense that it can disintegrate quite easily pending on individual and organization actions.
The later is the main reason for naming Mr. Zelaya as the "Coordinator" of the "Resistencia". Mr. Zelaya is just a platform for the Resistencia to build a stronger and cohesive group that may become politically dominant and/or who may become part of the political process through the establishment of a formal political party, pretty much as the FMLN did in El Salvador. Alternatively, the Resistencia may become a strong political pressure group that is able to manipulate political forces and dynamics in the country enough to force what Zelaya and his henchmen could not do...the destruction of democracy and the Republic.
Zelaya is also a platform for the current leaders of the Liberal Party. A platform to stop the hemorrhage that its ranks are suffering now. People disenchanted with the actions of their party, or who do not agree with the Neanderthal policies that the leaders of the Liberal parties continue to enforce to keep themselves in power- or their sons or daughters especially in the Liberal Party- at all costs. The leaders of the Liberal Party are afraid that if the Resistencia abandons their party for good, that they will lose the next elections to the National Party as that reduces the number of votes the Liberal party is capable of mustering in the next elections.
What will Zelaya do? This is another entry into the blog....speculating on his actions will be interesting.
Maybe then the Gods are not that crazy...we just need to find the method to the madness...
The later is the main reason for naming Mr. Zelaya as the "Coordinator" of the "Resistencia". Mr. Zelaya is just a platform for the Resistencia to build a stronger and cohesive group that may become politically dominant and/or who may become part of the political process through the establishment of a formal political party, pretty much as the FMLN did in El Salvador. Alternatively, the Resistencia may become a strong political pressure group that is able to manipulate political forces and dynamics in the country enough to force what Zelaya and his henchmen could not do...the destruction of democracy and the Republic.
Zelaya is also a platform for the current leaders of the Liberal Party. A platform to stop the hemorrhage that its ranks are suffering now. People disenchanted with the actions of their party, or who do not agree with the Neanderthal policies that the leaders of the Liberal parties continue to enforce to keep themselves in power- or their sons or daughters especially in the Liberal Party- at all costs. The leaders of the Liberal Party are afraid that if the Resistencia abandons their party for good, that they will lose the next elections to the National Party as that reduces the number of votes the Liberal party is capable of mustering in the next elections.
What will Zelaya do? This is another entry into the blog....speculating on his actions will be interesting.
Maybe then the Gods are not that crazy...we just need to find the method to the madness...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Gods Must Be Crazy
- Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua and Manuel Zelaya, ex-president of Honduras are pushing to name Ms. Patricia Rodas Baca as Honduran Ambassador to Nicaragua, as a pre-condition for Nicaragua to recognize the new Honduran Government. Ms. Rodas used to be the Foreign Minister under the Zelaya administration, who has repeatedly indicated that she does not believe in democracy or our constitution. Click here to see the video of Ms Rodas Baca's tirades during the 30th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution in Managua
- A commission from the central executive body of the Liberal Party, including the father of the former candidate Elvin Santos, will travel to Dominican Republic, to ask ex-president to join back the party and create his own political group within the liberal party.
- Meanwhile, former president Zelaya demanded that the Liberal Party expels Mr. Micheletti from its ranks and the punishment of the intelectual and actual criminals, who according to Zelaya, killed 166 persons during the "golpe de estado" and "de facto government".
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Incestous relations and the "silk stocking" revolutionaries
My...oh my...guess who came to dinner at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers for the 4th of July celebrations at the US Embassy in Tegucigalpa? Need a hint...those who have repeatedly derided the US and who have accused it of organizing the so called "golpe de estado" that removed Ex-president Zelaya from office.
Here is a photograph from those libations to the US...The list includes such leaders of the "Resistencia" and/or Supporters of Manuel Zelaya Rosales as Marlon Breve, Rodil Rivera Rodil, Edmundo Orellana, Victor Meza, Aristides (Tito) Mejia, Milton Jimenez Puerto, Enrique Flores Lanza, and interestingly enough Hector Zelaya, one of Manuel Zelaya Rosales son's. The later by the way and according to some reports, only wanted to be photographed with the US Ambassador.
This group of people are just folks who have been extremely able in manipulating the system and who adopted the "revolutionary" disguise to achieve their personal advancement. These are not the true "Resistencia" leaders, these are just opportunistic fellows. By the way, the other imputed leaders of the "Resistencia" will probably show up in another countries' independence and donor celebrations...sometime in July perhaps..
I respect those people who are true believers in the "Resistencia" in the sense that they want an improvement in the life of those who are poor and forgotten in my country. I do not agree with their policies and recommendations to solve them, when one can hear such policies as mostly people revert to generalities which do not tell us much about what they propose. I cannot have one iota of respect for these people seated around the table with Ambassador Llorens.
Here is a photograph from those libations to the US...The list includes such leaders of the "Resistencia" and/or Supporters of Manuel Zelaya Rosales as Marlon Breve, Rodil Rivera Rodil, Edmundo Orellana, Victor Meza, Aristides (Tito) Mejia, Milton Jimenez Puerto, Enrique Flores Lanza, and interestingly enough Hector Zelaya, one of Manuel Zelaya Rosales son's. The later by the way and according to some reports, only wanted to be photographed with the US Ambassador.
This group of people are just folks who have been extremely able in manipulating the system and who adopted the "revolutionary" disguise to achieve their personal advancement. These are not the true "Resistencia" leaders, these are just opportunistic fellows. By the way, the other imputed leaders of the "Resistencia" will probably show up in another countries' independence and donor celebrations...sometime in July perhaps..
I respect those people who are true believers in the "Resistencia" in the sense that they want an improvement in the life of those who are poor and forgotten in my country. I do not agree with their policies and recommendations to solve them, when one can hear such policies as mostly people revert to generalities which do not tell us much about what they propose. I cannot have one iota of respect for these people seated around the table with Ambassador Llorens.
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